Trixie Finger Clicker
Finger Clicker €3,99

Finger Clicker

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Trixie Finger Clicker Training

Let the training begin with this practical Clicker!

You can start training with this practical clicker. The clicker has a pleasant shape and fits nicely in the hand. Thanks to the special loop, the clicker can easily be attached to the finger. The tone of the clicker is consistent, so the animals always hear the same sound. This is necessary for proper training.

Training with your rodent is not only about teaching the animal something, but it is mainly about playing together. Rodents and Rabbits are intelligent animals that love a challenge and they learn amazingly fast!

Effective training with the audible signal method
Always at hand, as it can be worn around the finger with a loop
Suitable for dogs, cats, rabbits and birds

The clicker is an excellent aid in the education and training of your animal. The training with the clicker is not age-related, it works with both puppies / young animals and adults. For the clicker training to be successful, it is very important to click at the right time.

This is how animals learn (Dog as an example)

Animals learn by trying things out and through direct reward for desired and ignoring undesirable behavior. If a response from the owner follows an action of the animal with, for example, a delay of a few seconds, the animal no longer understands it, even if there are only a few seconds in between. It should also be clear that - even if your dog walks away from you - playing with another dog means a reward. That is why it is very important to ensure that unwanted behavior is prevented as much as possible. Instead, you teach him alternative behavior step by step. Example: If another dog comes into the picture, your dog needs to make eye contact with you for a moment before you allow it to play - or even, to move away from you. Even in a dog, which for years was allowed to decide for himself whether he would walk to another dog to play, this behavior can still be reversed - with the right training. Crucial in education is that you click when the dog shows desired behavior and for this you now have a handy tool, the

The basic principle of clicker training

Imagine the following situation: someone waves a € 50.00 note in front of you and says: “Follow me to the market and don't lose sight of the note. When we get there, the money will be yours. ” You participate and you receive the note as a reward at the market. Now imagine that you are back at the place of departure. Would you remember your way to the market? No. You have the
all the time just watched the note and has no idea how you ended up on the market. However, if someone had said to you at the place of departure before your first attempt that you can pick up a € 50.00 note at the market, if you know how to get there, you would be just as motivated to start gone. You might have gone wrong a few times, but in the end you would still have arrived at the market - and you would know your way there again and again. Clicker training works according to this principle. Your animal will go through the exercises step by step. As a result, he learns what exactly is intended and he can repeat it.

The jackpot

A clicker is just like playing lotto. The animal never knows whether it will take out the top prize on the next attempt, the jackpot so to speak. That can be a mega portion of super treats or the filled food bowl, lavish play or an extra pat on the head - the jackpot is what your pet loves most. The jackpot is important, so that clicking remains interesting for your animal. Use it in moderation, ie with about every thirtieth “click!”.

That is how it works

"Click!" Means to your animal: "I like what you are doing now. You can stop and get a reward. "First your animal must of course learn what the" click! " means to him. Take small sliced super treats (the size of a pea), a clicker and the dog. For the first hour of training, choose a room with as few stimuli as possible, so rather indoors than outdoors. To prevent the animal from being startled by the sound of the clicker, click only in the beginning, if the clicker is in your pocket or if you are holding it in your hand with a towel wrapped around your hand. 1st exercise: press the clicker once, grab a treat and give it to your animal. Repeat this 15 to 20 times. Don't say anything at all. For example, if your dog barks or jumps at you, ignore it. If he tries to steal the food, he will not let you. The exercise should be repeated the following day. Your animal should now have understood: after every "click!" follows a reward. The previously meaningless sound of the clicker now becomes the predictor of a reward for your animal. This order applies at all times: “click!”, Hand to the food, feed to the animal. Never click to get the animal's attention or to call it to you. Now your animal has to learn that he will hear the "click!" can steer with his own behavior. He learns to focus on what you expect from him.

Basic training

As a first exercise, the "watch me!" Or "watch!" Exercise is extremely suitable. In doing so, your animal learns to draw its full attention to you by making eye contact. Later, this exercise will help you draw your dog's attention to you in any situation. It will only work if your animal has fully mastered the “watch me!” Exercise. Leash your dog to keep it from straying. Hold the line loosely in your hand or stand with one foot on the handle. Put the food in your pocket or put it behind you out of reach of your dog.

1. "Watch me"

You will now have to be patient. Without you speaking to him, your dog will learn to make eye contact with you. In the beginning, your dog will sometimes look away. With each still so
small movement that the dog makes with its head in your direction, you indicate with the clicker that it is on the right path: dog moves its head, "click!", food. Set small intermediate goals to ensure that you and your dog achieve more success. The easier it is for the dog to achieve intermediate goals, the more excited he will be during the exercise. Don't expect too much from your dog. Only practice one step at a time per session. That means: in the first practice session, the goal is for your dog to move its head. This session should be repeated 10 to 15 times. Then it is made more difficult: your dog has to make eye contact with you to get a "click!" plus get reward. After repeating this exercise several times, it can be made even more difficult: the dog takes a step in your direction and makes eye contact with you. A "click!" and a reward. Do not practice for more than three minutes at a time and only once a day: preferably not immediately after a meal. After the last "click!" of a session - instead of a single reward treat - will be the jackpot.

The command

The dog must first have mastered an exercise before it is given a name. So far your dog has learned to make eye contact with you for a moment after you have started the training session. When you are sure that your dog has understood that it is about looking at it and therefore repeats it over and over again, take it a step further and increase the distraction. Practice in the garden instead of the house, then while walking and eventually with other dogs. Important: If the distraction is too great, so your dog is no longer looking at you, go back to the previous step and practice with less distraction. As soon as your dog likes to do an exercise despite a lot of stimuli and continues to do it again, the next step can be taken. Stop clicking after every eye contact, but after every second eye contact, then every third and then every time. Alternate this. As soon as your dog shows the desired behavior over and over again with lots of stimuli and alternating reinforcement from the clicker, you can give the exercise a name. So you tell your dog what it is called, what he does all the time.

When your dog now looks at you again, give the command (eg "watch!" Or "look!"), Then click and a treat follows. Of course, this step must be repeated several times before you can assume that your dog has associated the exercise with the command. Because he has worked towards the end result of the exercise all by himself, by first just turning his head and finally making eye contact with you, he knows exactly how things work and he will eventually do the exercise on command. to carry out.

At a later stage it also goes without food.

After you have diligently practiced the command, you no longer need the clicker - for this exercise. Now you can make the dog perform the desired behavior with just the command - without "click!" and without food. If you do click again later during the training, remember that every "click!" a reward follows.

2. "Track"

If your dog pulls you behind him while out for a walk, teach him to walk on a slack leash. This exercise can also be divided into different intermediate goals. If your dog pulls, just stand and wait. Your dog will look back in amazement and he will get a "click!" and enter. Your dog has now noticed that someone else is hanging on the other end of the leash. Whenever the line becomes taut, stop. At a certain point it is no longer sufficient that the dog just turns around to achieve the intermediate goal. The following "click!" only follows when your dog not only turns its head, but also its body. After that, your dog is expected to take a step in your direction before a "click!" and some treats follow. After several practice sessions, your dog will walk next to you on a slack leash. From now on there will only be a "click!" and feed when your dog is walking next to you. Completely perfect is the "follow", if your dog also looks at you attentively.

3. "Down"

Learning to lie on command is also an important exercise. Hide a few treats under your flat hand. Your dog will certainly find this interesting and will get the first "click!" For his look at your hand. Then raise your hand so that he can reach his reward. Then it continues with new treats under hand. Now your dog has to focus on your hand more intensively to get the next "click!" to get. In the next step, your dog sits down and angles its paw for the food. Those are two important intermediate goals on the way to “finished!”. While your dog is trying to get its paw to the food, pull your hand back slightly. Your dog follows with his paw and is now almost lying: "click!" And follow the reward treat. If there is no more "click!", Then
your dog to try something new. He will lie down. Perfect!

After a few times you no longer have to put food under your hand. Your flat hand is the signal for your dog to lie down. With each new practice session, hold your flat hand a little higher and you can attach the command "off!" To it.

4. "Here"

For the exercise “here” you need an approximately eight to ten meter long line. The exercise is best performed with the necessary distraction around it. As soon as your dog looks at you, a "click!" including reward. As with walking on a slack leash, expect your dog to turn in the next step.

Later, a “click!” Will only follow when your dog takes a step in your direction. In each subsequent practice session, he should get a lot closer to you until he finally sits in front of you with anticipation. The most suitable reward jackpot for this exercise is the command “free!”.

5. "Retrieve"

A nice trick, which can also be very useful, is to bring objects. If you want, you can teach your dog to bring your phone or slippers on command. Initially, a "click!" for showing interest in e.g. the line. Later, your dog must pick up the leash if he wants to earn the next treat. In a subsequent practice session, your dog should walk a little towards you with the leash in its mouth. The retrieval is perfect if your dog brings the leash all the way to you.

The main lines

The different steps in which you can choose the desired behavior for your
animal using the clicker can practice, we have one more time
main points summarized:

1. Think about what your animal needs to learn.
2. Divide the exercise into small intermediate goals.
3. Go through a maximum of one intermediate goal with your animal per training session.
4. Don't forget to bet a jackpot every now and then. The training must remain interesting.
5. Expand the exercises with more and more stimuli.
6. Proceed to variable excitation.
7. Attach a command to it.

We wish you and your animal a lot of fun and success during the various exercises. Make sure to set small intermediate goals to achieve the desired main goal. In this way you feed your animal in a playful way and the bond between you is strengthened. To keep

10 / 10
10 / 10
ayla 01 June 2019

Goed product, doet wat het hoort te doen. Mijn ratjes zijn erg alert voor de "klik"

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